We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your information and delivering high quality legal services. Any information you provide via this website will be used to identify your initial consultation needs and enable us to properly serve you. We will store the information you provide on internal servers, and access to it will be restricted to Elkhalil Law, P.C. and employees thereof. We will not rent, sell or trade your personal or organizational information to others. We reserve the right to make changes to this policy from time to time. However, any revisions to our policy will apply only to information provided to Elkhalil Law, P.C. after the date of the change and we will not use any information you have submitted to us in a manner that is inconsistent with the policy described above. Changes in policy will be posted on the Elkhalil Law, P.C. website.
This site, and all information available on or accessed through it, is provided “as is." Elkhalil Law, P.C. makes no warranties, representations, or claims of any kind concerning the information presented on or through this site. Elkhalil Law, P.C. is not responsible for any loss, injury, demand, claim, liability, or damage of any kind and nature, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, disclosed or undisclosed, arising from use of the site, whether from errors or omissions in the content of this site or any other linked site, the site being down, or any other use of the site.
By providing information to Elkhalil Law, P.C. via this website or otherwise communicating information to Elkhalil Law, P.C., you are not establishing an attorney-client relationship and the information you provide to us will not be afforded legal protection as an attorney-client communication. This means that while Elkhalil Law, P.C. will protect the confidentiality in accordance with the policy described above, the information you provide is not protected under the laws relating to attorney-client privilege and Elkhalil Law, P.C. may be compelled to disclose information you provide in certain legal proceedings. Accordingly, you should not provide any information that you wish to be protected by attorney-client privilege until you have entered into a legally binding attorney-client relationship via a signed retainer agreement and payment of legal fees.